Elegant Decay

Elegant Decay

Friday, September 9, 2016

a Summer Flies By...


Where has the time gone? I look so forward to warmer weather, sitting on the deck watching clouds move over a green Hollow. seeing friends, exploring news places, wearing short sleeves, sleeping with the windows open. Summer. It goes so quickly. We have accomplished so much and have done so many wonderful things this summer. But I still find myself wanting more time. More summer.

It was a summer of quiet and it was a summer of celebration. Spending time with dear friends. Spending quiet time with each other. Celebrating milestone birthdays and our 34th wedding anniversary.

The summer wasn't without drama. But by purging the negative, we have made more more for the positive and the joyful.


I will be sad to see it go, but knowing that cool Fall weather is coming...bonfires and river cruises and leaves changing and HALLOWEEN are coming....well, it's all good.

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